Becoming a patron gives you access to many benefits and extra content…
…all while supporting the continued production of these comics.
All of my comics are completely independently created, with a small exception for some editorial input and publishing aid on my Tapas Premium comics. What this means, is that I plan, write, design and illustrate my comics all by myself.
Putting this amount of content out while working as a one-man-team requires a lot of time, good equipment, and flexibility – all of which I can have thanks to my lovely patrons!
In return, I try to provide my patrons with as good of a service as I can provide, offering benefits such as up to 200 pages of early access for Moonshine and a large backlog of exclusive bonus content. Patreon also holds the digital uncensored version of my comics – however if you prefer a book you can touch, you’ll be pleased to know the printed copies are uncensored, too.
That being said, I understand that investing in something you don’t know if you’ll like can feel like a big gamble, even if it’s a small amount of money. Know that I am always open to help you if you have technical issues with Patreon or if you are struggling to figure out how the page works!
Aside from that, to help you make an informed choice I’ve assembled a small selection of content below to showcase what some of the uncensored and exclusive content looks like. Be aware that what you’re about to see is in no way safe for work, so make sure your boss, children, grandchildren or grandma are not looking over your shoulder.
Unless you have a very cool grandma.
With all of that said, the gallery is below, and if you like what you see you can go right on over to my Patreon by clicking here.

That’s about as much as I can show without dipping too far into my patrons’ benefits. After all, it wouldn’t be a benefit anymore if too much of it was available here!
If you like what you see, there’s more waiting for you over on my Patreon.